PSA: New Ransomware Outbreak! WannaCry/WannaCrypt Windows Vulnerability

There is a new ransomware attack called \”WannaCry\” that has the ability to affect your computer by simply being on the internet.  It has affected around 100 different countries and spreads without user intervention, clicking, or performing any action.  In other words, if you don\’t have the proper security patches and protections in place, you are vulnerable right now without even touching your computer.


How to protect yourself:

As always, the best way to keep yourself protected is to keep your computer up to date.  Sure, those constantly recurring patches are annoying, but they are necessary.  The quickest and easiest way to protect yourself NOW is to update your computer with the latest Windows security vulnerability patch.

Information for the patch can be found HERE and HERE.

A direct link to the patch to download and run can be found HERE.


How to check for the update:

Settings, Updates, Update History
Control Panel, Programs and Features, Installed Updates


How do you know if you are infected?

When you try to open a word document, your computer tells you that your file has been encrypted.


What to do if you find yourself infected:

1. Remove the computer from your network.

2. Call your LOCAL computer professional for help recovering from this threat.
phone: (469) 844-7789

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